Friday, March 2, 2012

Testimonials From Our Super Fans!!! :D

So here some Testimonial from our customer! There are soooooooooooo many...just randomly picked it! :) 

Some with the big appetite :p 

Also the one with the Cherybelle song! -Dillemma - :) 


Our loyal fans!!! that put onigiri above all Food heheheehehe

 should give him some free our Onigiri!!!!!! and we did!! the comming soon Onigiri our Salmon Onigiri special for my buddy :D 

Truly Honored with the random craving of our friend here! your craving is our blessing!!!! :')

The most top comment that keep us moving on!!!! :D :D 
sooooo there goess some of our testimonials from our lovely Customer!!!! Bless us all!!!!!!!! :D 

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