Friday, March 2, 2012


Today our very first bazaar !!!!!!!!

Hello folks!! Bedhairguy Bro's finally goes to bazaar!! this is our first attempt to bring our onigiri buddies to the public place!!! and it was!!! awesomeeeeee!!!!!!!!!!!!

we were exhausted! making a tons and hundred of Onigiri is already a piece of cake! But the problem is packing it into the plastic was..damnn hard as Onigiri!!!!!

So our very first day was raining all day!!! so the bedhair bro kinda becoming wethairbro,wetclothes and wetjeans (duh?)

We were nervous but luckily the people came with a very great responds!!!
we came up with many memorable events, we remember clearly seeing all the elementary school children faces totally craving of our onigiri but they doesnt have enough money to buy it, poor little kids...we remember those kids keep saying the Onigiri were very cute!! (ehm...thanks :$)

we were surprised because most of the kids would buy our onigiri even with their limited amount of money! we were honored!There's also someone special,we remembered he was the Junior High School student...he bought one and a lot of his friends bought our Onigiri because of him! Thanks bro! they keep saying it's delicious as for that special buddy he ate about 8 pcs of our Onigiri alone that day!

In a short time we were swarmed by those students , it was like a piece of the world war 3!! but it was worth it! A lot of them came back again and eat our Onigiri buddies! hehe!Due to the heavy rain around 12 o'clock we have no choice but to stop our selling...there's some touching moments...there were a couple students who ran through from the rain to our stand to buy our onigiri,even some of them walking through the rain using umbrella, we were like!! Mother of God!!! We are truly honored!! Our days were closed with some leftovers it was 6 pcs due to the very random weather that day.

THE SECOND DAY!! We were amazed!!!!! a lot of new buyers!! they were hearing from the buddies that bought or onigiri yesterday!Even most of them who bought our Onigiri from yesterday also back to torture us!! hahaa,  and yes it was another WORLD WAR! we are closed and sold out!!!!! half of the day we were closed!! and we are the first stand that closed! :D :D

The events were great ! we could see the kids doing many intresting talents, some of them are copying the dance of SNSD and Wonder Girls, we Bro's were amazed seeing those kids dancing,singing,playing instrument and many others! Deep Honor for the school to appreciate the future leader of the world and giving them the place to enhance those talents even more!

We were truly honored
Thank you very much for Tarki!!!!

A Message From Stranger!!!

Woahh wondering what's with the mysterious Title from our blog??? dont worry it's not about bedhairguy mystery or even love story!!



One day...we received some mysterious message!!
it turns out to be from one of our loyal customer!!!

It's about Review!!! whait...whaaa???


Thank you very much for the review! we are honored!!!! :') 

Testimonials From Our Super Fans!!! :D

So here some Testimonial from our customer! There are soooooooooooo many...just randomly picked it! :) 

Some with the big appetite :p 

Also the one with the Cherybelle song! -Dillemma - :) 


Our loyal fans!!! that put onigiri above all Food heheheehehe

 should give him some free our Onigiri!!!!!! and we did!! the comming soon Onigiri our Salmon Onigiri special for my buddy :D 

Truly Honored with the random craving of our friend here! your craving is our blessing!!!! :')

The most top comment that keep us moving on!!!! :D :D 
sooooo there goess some of our testimonials from our lovely Customer!!!! Bless us all!!!!!!!! :D 

We Are Back!!!!!

Sorry for the long absent!! currently we are very busy with our daily pre-order!!!
and the our bedhair just keep getting more stylish every week due to our minimum sleep time except for our 1 bedhair bro here.

We will try to keep our post, so you guys! yeahh, you guys!! could follow our update!!
the bedhairguy blog must wake up from his bed :D

Thank you for the support of our lovely customers! we will keep doing our best to deliver our mission to the world!!

Still a lot of project coming up that will rock your tongue and heart with our soulfull food!
Thank you!
GBU :)